Energy is like Power Points (PP) in the traditional Pokemon games.
Each move has an energy cost. Energy cost is generally related to move power, but some unique moves have a lower energy cost despite having higher power.
As you fight, your energy bar drains with move usage. However, each time an opponent inflicts damage on your Pokemon, 4 energy points are regained.
If you select a move which your Pokemon does not have sufficient energy to perform, it will instead use Struggle.
Struggle is a 70-power physical move with no type. It deals a 50% recoil to the user.
The base energy of every Pokemon is 100, but it can be increased by:
Increasing your trainer rank via Reputation. Click here for more information on ranks. Every rank above Newbie gives a +5 to base energy.
Using the power of the Rotom Pokedex. Having a large number of entries logged also increases base energy.
Unlocking achievements through the Hall of Fame. The following achievements each grant a +4 to base energy:
(i) Kanto/Johto/Hoenn/Sinnoh completion
(ii) Rematch completion
(iii) Elemental league completion
(iv) Kalos completion
Using items such as Energy Root, which can be unlocked through the Turf War.
All Pokemon will be granted 99,999 energy in training dojo battles.
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with Nintendo, The Pokemon Company, Creatures, or GameFreak. RPG designed & developed by Gin.A.